河北省安国市康德药材有限公司成立于2003年,位于'药都'中国河北省安国市,是经营中药材的专业性公司。集中药材采购、加工、销售为一体。公司为各药厂、贸易公司、药店及医院提供根茎类、花叶类、子仁类、全草类、皮类、藤木树脂类、菌藻类、动物类、矿物类等九大类千余个品种的中药原材料及中药饮片。办理中药材的出口配套业务。 我公司特色经营新疆地区中药材, 并专业经营西北和东北药材的药材经营公司. 我公司诚信为本,高素质的员工将随时为您服务。 我公司提供****,红花、大芸、红景天,甘草,苦杏仁,篙本,阿魏,西洋参,桃仁,人参,当归,三七,党参,黄连,菊花,贝母,川芎,白芍,天麻,黄芪,大黄,防风、雪莲花,紫草、海马、海龙、鹿茸、虫草、西红花、冬花的国内贸易及国际贸易。
联系人:刘娜 电话:0312-6187678 移动电话:15811556990
Kangde Herbs Co., Ltd. was founded in 2003, lies in AnGuo City, Hebei Province of China, specialized in Chinese traditional herbs and Chinese medicine decoction piece business and management. Its business scope includes purchase, processing, and marketing of medical herbs. Kangde Herbs Co., Ltd. could supply totally more than one thousand of Chinese natural medical herbs, including decoction piece, herbs powder and herbs abstraction, herbs grain, herbs tea bag, herb flower and flower tea, for drug factories, trade companies, drugstores and hospitals. Kangde Herbs Co., Ltd. could manage import & export business of Chinese medical herbs. With strict management and careful herbs material selecting, Kangde Herbs Co., Ltd. would supply buyers with high quality medical herbs and first-class service. Kangde Herbs Co., Ltd sincere hope to develop good relations and trade with domestic and overseas customers.
Kangde Herbs Co., Ltd. Address: No. 2 ZhongXin NanJie, DongFang YaoCheng, AnGuo City, HeBei Province, China. Manager: Liu Na Tel: 0086-15811556990 Zip Code: 071200 E-mail:qqfln@yahoo.com.cn Web: http://kangdeherb.cn.alibaba.com/