本公司主要经营:深山草药酒、保健酒、防风湿药酒等系列深山草药酒祖传秘方。纯天然中草药和传统米酒酿制而成。以有五十六年临床经验,深得顾客好评。 本公司坚持:以人为本、服务真诚、产品优质的质量方针。做好售前售后服务工作,不断的开拓研发新产品,以满足客户和市场的需要。
To enhance the Chinese culture of herbal medicine for five thousand years To make specialized wine for anti-rheumatism Herbal wine for anti-rheumatism The speciality of wine-making: 1)Raw material was herbal medicine which got from high mountain 2)The secret recipe of wine-making is a traditional technology which handed down by the ancestors 3)To get good fame from the consumers who had suffer from rheumatism with particular effect 4)To remedy all kinds of rheumatism internally or externally by the therapy of herbal medicine |