本公司是一家集生产销售足浴盆、按摩披肩、汽车揉捏枕、脊椎按摩枕、按摩腰椎、揉捏坐垫、按摩器、按摩靠垫、揉捏靠垫、吸尘器、蒸汽刷、活氧机、酸奶机、干鞋器、各种卡通按摩器、电烤箱、清洁机、电水壶、陶瓷水壶、酒瓶雨伞、收纳凳、煮蛋器、跳舞毯、紫砂锅其它系列。 本公司自主品牌有5个,【美姿宝】【俊婷】【RYD】【登索】【索梦】20多大类。公司还代理20多家品牌【璐瑶】【金科】【天元】【宋金】【贤内助】【泰康】【乐彤】【东吉联】【攀高】【巧巧】【基富】【雅帅】【好多利】等品牌 公司并在义乌中国小商品城设有办事处。 本公司产品高贵典雅、精美绝伦,受到了社会各界的一致赞誉,作为高档商务礼品的开拓者,不断以“新文化”和“先进文化”作为我们的追求和切入点,通过高超的创意,精湛的工艺和专业的制作,来创造出顶级的精品,为企业提供商务形象系统策划和商务礼品设计制作的全方位服务,帮助企事业单位充分展示自己的风采和内涵,提高形象。
您的需求就是我们的追求,“诚信取胜”是我们公司的经营原则和我们为人处事的态度,“与时俱进,锐意进取”是我们一贯坚持的方针。 让我们共同努力,共创美好未来! The company is the production and sales massage cape, car kneading pillow, chiropractic pillow, lumbar massage, kneading cushion, massager, massage cushion, kneading cushion, vacuum cleaners, steam brush, oxygen machine, a variety of cartoon massager, cleaning machines, kettles,bottle umbrella, stool, dance mat. The company's own brand 5 [mei zi bao] [suo meng] [RYD] [Dengsuo] [jun ting] Company with offices in Yiwu China Commodity City. Our products are elegant, exquisite, by the unanimous praise of the community as a pioneer of the high-end business gifts, and constantly to the "new culture" and "advanced culture" as we pursue and the starting point, superb creative skills technology and professional production, to create a top quality, to provide enterprises with a business image, system planning and business gifts design of a full range of services to help enterprises to fully demonstrate their style and content, and enhance the image.
Your demand is our pursuit, "faith to win" is the operating principle of our company and our attitude when dealing with others, "the times, forge ahead" is our consistent policy. Let us work together for a better future! |