永康市瑄奕工贸有限公司座落于中国五金之都---永康,占地面积1万平方米。现有员工100多人,研发技术人员8人,品质管理4人,高级管理人才2人。本公司是专业生产草坪机及园林机械系列产品(汽油链锯,绿篱机,割灌机等等)的生产厂家。拥有先进的检测设备,现代化流水线和规模化生产,确保优良品质。现产品已通过CE和GS的认证,为开创市场提供强有力保障,产品远销中东、欧美、澳洲等市场,深受客户的信懒。永康市瑄奕工贸有限公司愿与您真诚携手合作,共同开拓国内外市场,在互利互惠基础上开创美好的未来。Yongkang Xuanyi Industry & Trading Co., Ltd. is located in the capital of China Hardware ---Yongkang city . It occupies an area of 10,000 square meters. Nowadays, the company has more than 100 skilled employees, 8 outstanding R&D technicians and engineers , 4 quality administrators and 2 senior administrators. The company is a professional manufacturer of lawn mowers and other garden machineries(gasoline chain saws, hedge trimmers, brush cutters and so on).We have advanced testing equipment, modern assembly line and large... [