厦门市启晨工业有限公司是一家集设计、生产和销售芳香产品及家居饰品的专业生产厂家。企业追求健康、天然、温馨、浪漫的产品形象,不断推陈出新,引导时尚潮流。公司推出的《益芳源》品牌,以优良的品质,具有竞争力的价格和良好的服务赢得了广大客户的认同。产品远销多个国家和地区。 公司主要产品有:香包、香袋、香珠、香膏、纸香片、香薰袋、香干花、天然干花,抱枕,靠枕等系列产品,适用于家居、婚庆,汽车美容、玩具、礼品、化妆品等方面。热忱欢迎志同道合的伙伴加盟经营,共同开创美好的未来! Xiamen Qichen Industry Co., Ltd specializes in research, development,manufacture and sales of air freshener and relative products. They are nice for decorating the special places in your home or putting in your handbags, cars or anywhere you like with its fragrance which can inspire mood,bring you romantic atmosphere and warm environment.They can also be used as pre-mium gifts to advertise your company or promote your products and service.The incense can beautify your envir... [